Matial arts have grown in popularity recent years as we have begun to discover the many benefits that such disciplines can offer. While they can help improve physical fitness. The arts also emphasize the importance of a harmonious balance between body and mind. And this makes them particularty appealing. There is much to be gained from learning any art of self-defence. Such as an imcrease in self-confudence and a general sense of well-being and inner calm.
- A comprehensive guide to the most popular martial arts: Kung fu, tae kwonde, tae chi, kendo, iaido and shinto ryu
- Clear step-by-step techniques and specilaist advice, explaned and taugh by qualified experts
- Over 350 colour photograps demonstrate exercises and movements from each discipline
- Concise explanations of the underlying philosophy of each martial art help you to choose which one will be the most effective and right for you.
- Introduction
- Kung Fu Wing Chun
- Mok-Gar
- Kick Boxing
- Tae Kwondo
- Tai Chi Chuan-
- Kendo
- Iaido
- Shinto Ryu