Next time still-unwired friends or relatives ask what you can really do with a computer, suggest that they page through this massive tome. The authors set out to create a "Whole Earth Catalog for computers" and did a fine job. Whatever your enthusiasms, there's plenty here to hit your hot button. Included are software, hardware, online resources, and more dealing with learning, work, daily life, and plain fun. The reviews are insightful and often very funny--as are the mini essays including everything from password tips to a great satire on Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven.
- Reference
- Kids
- Natural History
- Science
- Traveling the Ancient and Modern Worlds
- Bridging Language Gaps in Cyberspace
- Wavetable Promises and Pitfalls
- DOS upon a Midnight DReary
- Hardware
- Powerbooks, Other Portables, an Handheld Systems
- Powertuning and Customizing
- Business
- Organization