Now in its fourth edition, ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY FOR SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND HEARING, International Edition remains a highly acclaimed tool for instilling a solid foundation in the anatomical and physiological principles that pertain to the communication sciences and disorders disciplines. Updated to reflect the most current trends in the field, the book integrates clinical information with everyday experiences to underscore the relevance of anatomy and physiology to the speech, language, and hearing systems. Its effectiveness is enhanced with innovative student practice software, which provides multiple tutorial and quizzing sections and provides students with the final pieces needed to master the book's content.
Chapter 1 Basic Elements of Anatomy
Chapter 2 Anatomy of Respiration
Chapter 3 Physiology of Respiration
Chapter 4 Anatomy of Phonation
Chapter 5 Physiology of Phonation
Chapter 6 Anatomy of Artculation and Resonation
Chapter 7 Physiology of Articulation and Resonation
Chapter 8 Physiology of Mastication and Deglution
Chapter 9 Anatomy of Hearing
Chapter 10 Auditory Physiology