Teachers around the world trust Cutting Edge to deliver a comprehensive, practical language syllabus and an impressive range of teaching resources. From beginners to advanced level, students learn to communicate effectively, accurately and confidently through solid grammar work, a focus on high frequency vocabulary and regular well structured speaking tasks.
Module 1 Names and introductions / Vocabulary: jobs; a/an / he/she/his/her / Pronunciation / The alphabet; How do you
spell...? / Number 0-20 / Improve your writing: Full stops, question marks / Capital letters (1) / Listen and read
Module 2 Vocabualry: countries / be with I and you (Negatives) / Nationalities / is/am/are (Questions) / Numbers 21-100 /
Improve your writing: Writing about yourself / APronunciation / Ages / Capital ledtters (2) / Question words / Listen
and read
Module 3 Vocabulary: nouns / Plural nouns / be: plural / Opposites / be with we and they / we're/they're/our/their / Spelling /
Food and drink vocabulary / this/that/these/those / Prepositions / Pronunciation / Listen and read / Improve your
writing: A postcard
, etc.