รูปภาพสินค้า รหัส9781259080814
With an emphasis on evolution and scientific inquiry, this textbook is suitable for students majoring in biology.
ผู้เขียนKenneth A. Mason, Jonathan B. Losos, Susan R. Singer

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รหัสสินค้า: 9781259080814
จำนวน: 1408 หน้า
ขนาดรูปเล่ม: 228 x 275 x 41 มม.
น้ำหนัก: 2960 กรัม
เนื้อในพิมพ์: สี่สีในเล่ม 
ชนิดปก: ปกอ่อน 
ชนิดกระดาษ: กระดาษอาร์ต 
หน่วย: เล่ม 
สำนักพิมพ์: McGraw-Hill  
พิมพ์ครั้งล่าสุด:ครั้งที่ 10 เดือน -- ปี 2014
:: เนื้อหาโดยสังเขป
Committed to Excellence in the Landmark Tenth Edition. This edition continues the evolution of Raven & Johnson's Biology. The author team is committed to continually improving the text, keeping the student and learning foremost. We have integrated new pedagogical features to expand the students' learning process and enhance their experience in the ebook.

This latest edition of the text maintains the clear, accessible, and engaging writing style of past editions with the solid framework of pedagogy that highlights an emphasis on evolution and scientific inquiry that have made this a leading textbook for students majoring in biology and have been enhanced in this landmark Tenth edition. This emphasis on the organizing power of evolution is combined with an integration of the importance of cellular, molecular biology and genomics to offer our readers a text that is student friendly and current.

Our author team is committed to producing the best possible text for both student and faculty. The lead author, Kenneth Mason, University of Iowa, has taught majors biology at three different major public universities for more than fifteen years. Jonathan Losos, Harvard University, is at the cutting edge of evolutionary biology research, and Susan Singer, Carleton College, has been involved in science education policy issues on a national level. All three authors bring varied instructional and content expertise to the tenth edition of Biology.
:: สารบัญ
Part 1 The Molecular Basis of Life
Part 2 Biology of the Cell
Part 3 Genetic and Molecular Biology
Part 4 Evolution
Part 5 Diversity of Life on Earth
Part 6 Plant Form and Function
Part 7 Animal Form and Function
Part 8 Ecology and Behavior

- Appendix A : Answer Key
- Glossary
- Credits
- Index