The Essential information needed by travelers novices and old hands alike presented in a way that's consise, accessible, and easy to understand. You'll find:
- Encouragement to try a few words
- Knowledge of the society around you
- Confidence to smooth the way
The Periplis Essential Vietnamese Phrase Book cover:
- Over 2,000 essential pharases arranged by fregquency of use
- A glossary of the 2,000 most needed words
- Food, drink, and lodging
- Tips for train and automobile travel
- instructions and phrases for emergencies
- meeting people and striking up a conversation
- And the essential grammar and pronunciation you'll need to make your way smoothly throught your tralvels
1. Useful Iists
2. Courtesise
3. Conversation
4. Eating Out
5. On the Road
6. Public Transportation
7. Overnight accommodation
8. Money Matters
9. Mail and Telephone
10. Shopping