Millions suffer from anorexia, a debilitating eating disorder. This thoughtful revision considers the physical, social, and psychological aspects of this puzzling disorder and includes new viewpoints exploring anorexia in men, older women, and women throughout the world.
1. Anorexia: An Overview
2. The Signs of Anorexia
3. Experiences of a Female Anorexic
4. Experiences of a Male Anorexic
5. Anorexia Occurs Among African Americans
6. Anorexia Can Strike Older Women
7. Athletes Are More Vulnerable to Anorexia than Nonathletes
8. Anorexia Is Becoming a Problem in Asia
9. Anorexics Derive a Sense of Control from Their Behavior
10. Anorexics Lose Control Due to Their Behavior
11. Poor Body Image Leads to Anorexia
12. Anorexia May Have a Biological Basis
13. Anorexics Often Resist Treatment
14. Family-Based Treatment Is Effective for Anorexics