Inside, you’ll find complete coverage of Dreamweaver 8
- Create dynamic Web pages using Cascading Style Sheets
- Punch up your page with progressive or streaming video
- Build interactive forms and client-side image maps
- Insert, delete, and update data in your Web pages
- Improve your HTML coding with the new Coding toolbar
- Integrate with Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks, ColdFusion,
and other apps
- Use templates and the Library to unify and update your
- Extend Dreamweaver’s power by creating your own
custom tags and behaviors
Bonus CD-ROM
The value-packed CD-ROM includes Dreamweaver 8 tryout edition and exclusive interactive on-screen tutorials
Part I: Laying the Groundwork in Dreamweaver 8
Part II: Designing and Crafting Core Pages
Part III: Adding Advanced Design Features
Part IV: Incorporating Dynamic Data
Part V: Including Multimedia Elements
Part VI: Enhancing Productivity and Web Site Management
Part VII: Extending Dreamweaver