If you're among the two and a half million Web professionals who already use Dreamweaver, here's your ticket to the exciting enhancements in the CS3 version. If you're just breaking into Web development, you'll get a thorough understanding fo the basics. Either way, you'll learn to produce pages with pizzazz, connect to live databases, integrate with Flash and Photoshop, use advanced technologies like Spry and Ajax, and enjoy Web success.
- Create multifaceted Web pages that draw from data sources
- Learn the fundamentals of static and dynamic pages
- Explore the Spry framework and tools
- Add Flash, Shockwave, QuickTime, and WAV files
- Use Dreamweaver in site management
- Build custom objects to extend Dreamweaver
Part I Laying the Groundwork in Dreamweaver CS3
Part II Designing and Crafting Core Pages
Part III Adding Advanced Design Features
Part IV Incorporating Dynamic Data
Part V Including Multimedia Elements
Part VI Enhancing Productivity and Web Site Management
Part VII Extending Dreamweaver
Part VIII Appendix
Bonus Chapters