Introduction to VHDL enables students and engineers to understand this language. It is based on substantial experience of teaching VHDL to undergraduate students at the University of Portsmouth, UK, and to engineers in industry through short courses run by Mentor Graphics Corporation, USA. The text covers all aspects of the VHDL language, including the latest information on the VADL standard as of June 1994 and the fundamentals of design constructs and modeling.
The language is presented in a progressive manner, with examples being extended in later chapters to demonstrate newly introduced features. Comprehensive examples and thoroughly tested exercises are used to reinforce readers' understanding of the material, while 'lllumination Boxes' are used throughout the book to highlight important concepts and to allow easy reference to key points.
1. Introduction
2. Hardware Design Processes
3. IEEE Standard VHDL Language
4. Modelling with VHDL
5. Objects, Data Types and Operators
6. Multiple Architectures and Concurrency
7. Sequential Statements and Processes
8. Sequential Modelling and Attributes
9. Conditional Assignments, Concatenation and Case
10. Arrays, Loops and Assert Statements