This fifth edition of Retailing has undergone significant changes from prior editions. Not only are we back with South-Western Publishing, where we started fifteen years ago, but we have gained the endorsement of the endorsment of the National Retailing Federation.
This book seeks to portay the excitement of today's fast-paced retailing environment and especially the impact of the Internet and the many changes in the workd's eco-nomics systems.As a result,in addition to the in-depth coverage within the text that you have come to expect, evry chapter features fiur boxes covering the hottest top-ics in retailing today. These four boxes provide the reader with the Inside Story behind some recent retailing activity;the impact of new technologies, including the Internet,in the chapters' What's New boxes;as the traditional Global Be-tailing and Servece Retailiong boxes.As a result,we believe that students and instruc-tors will like this edition even more than they did the highly successful first four editions.
Part 1 Introduction To Retaling
Part 2 The Retailing Environment
Part 3 Market Selection And Location Analysis
Part 4 Managing Retail Operations
Part 5 Retail Administration