If you want to use your digital photos to make a great-looking photo album fast but don't want to get bogged down in the details, then you need a Visual QuickProject Guide!
- You don't need to know every feature-you just want to know how to get your project done.
- Full-color illustrations show you how to perform each step of your project from start to finish.
- Low priced-why pay for more than you need?
- Katherine Ulrich is a writer and editor specializing in graphics, publishing, and multimedia software. She is the author of Peachpit's best-selling Macromedia Flash: Visual QuickStart Guide. Her latest passion is observing the natural world through the lens of her digital camera. Currently, she's working on staying calm while getting close enough to bees to take their portraits.
1. getting ready
2. creating structure within your catalog
3. fixing image flaws
4. creating albums with fixed layouts
5. creating albums with flexible layouts
6. ordering hardcover photobooks