Increasingly, microcomputers are being used in applications where their corerect operation is vital to ensure the safety of the public and the environment: from anti-lock braking systems in automobiles, to fly-by-wire aircraft,to shut-down systems at nuchear power plants, It is, therefore, vital that engineers are aware of the safethy implications of the systems they deveop.
This book is an introduction to the field of safety-critical computer systems, and is written for any engineer who used microcomputers with in real-time embedded systems, it assumes no prior knowledge of safethy, or of any specific computer hardware or programming language.
This book:
- Covers all phases of the life of a safety-critical system from its
conception and specification, through to its certification,
installation, service and decommissioning
- Provides information on how to assess the safety implications of
projfects, and determine the measures necessary to develop
systems to meet safety needs
- Gives a thorough grounding in the techniques available to
investigate the safety aspects of computer-based systems and
the methods that may be used to enhance their dependability
1 Introduction
2 Safety Criteria
3 Hazard Analysis
4 Risk Analysis
5 Developing Safety-Critical Systems
6 Fault Tolerance
7 System Reliability
8 Safety-Critical Hardware
9 Safety-Critical Software
10 Programmable Logic Controllers