The Oxford Picture Dictionary has over 4,000 words, This workbook will help you use these words in your everyday life. Here is some more information about this book: It’s easy to use! The workbook pages match the pages in your picture dictionary. For example, to practice the words on page 23 in your picture dictionary, go to page 23 in your workbook.
It has exercises abut real people and things. For example, are you thinking about buying a car? There’s a chart showing popular cars in the United States on page 156. Do you like shopping for food? Take a look at the grocery list on page 67. You’ll find stories and puzzles in this workbook and you’ll have a chance to give your opinions, too. There are listening exercises for each topic. Every unit has a game or puzzle called Another Look. These can be found at the back of the book.
1. Everyday Language
2. People
3. Housing
4. Food
5. Clothing
6. Health
7. Community
8. Transportation
9. Work
10. Areas of Study
11. Plants and Animals
12. Recreation