Reading Connections is a two-book series that teacher student the reading, vocabulary and critical thinking skills essential for becoming effective readers.
Each unit features thematically-grouped authentic readings accompanied by extensive reading strategy instruction, designed to build a core set of reading skills.
Students are introduced to reading for real-life purpose through challenging unit tasks. These require them to read purposefully in order to gather and synthesize relevant information from the texts within each unit and to draw well-reasoned conclusions, presented in a variety of fomats.
- High-interest readings in a wide range of genres and from a variety ot sources simulate real-life academic and professional reading.
- Challenging unit tasks require students to gather relevant information from a number of sources, process the information, and draw conclusions, thereby replicating the actual reading process
- Extensive reading strategy instruction provides students with practice in core reading skills necessary for purposeful reading.
- Detailed vocabulary strategy instruction not only teaches students the skills necessary to build and define a working academic and professional vocabulary but also helps them cope with unknown words as they are reading.
Unit 1. The Ad Game
Unit 2. This Thing Called Love
Unit 3. Mind Over Matter
Unit 4. The World or Work