รูปภาพสินค้า รหัส9780138126537
This is a special international edition of an established title widely used by colleges and universities throughout the world.
ผู้เขียนDan Limmer, Michael F. O'Keefe

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รหัสสินค้า: 9780138126537
จำนวน: 1296 หน้า
ขนาดรูปเล่ม: 215 x 274 x 39 มม.
น้ำหนัก: 2595 กรัม
เนื้อในพิมพ์: สี่สีในเล่ม 
ชนิดปก: ปกอ่อน 
ชนิดกระดาษ: กระดาษอาร์ต 
หน่วย: เล่ม 
สำนักพิมพ์: Pearson Education Indochaina Ltd. 
พิมพ์ครั้งล่าสุด:ครั้งที่ 11 เดือน -- ปี 2009
:: เนื้อหาโดยสังเขป
The 11th edition is the most recent in a long line of editions that have provided high quality, understandable, and technically accurate material to generations of EMT students. For over 30 years, Emergency Care has been the book instructors have chosen to prepare their students for the test…and the field.

This edition of Emergency Care has been thoroughly updated to reflect important changes in science and practice.
Two new features have also been added that reflect the vital impact EMTs have on their patients: Point of View, which tells stories of EMS care from the patient's perspective, and Critical Decision Making, which introduces students to real-life decisions they will face on the street.
:: สารบัญ
1. Preparatory
2. Airway
3. Patient Assessment
4. Medical Emergencies
5. Trauma
6. Special Patient Populations
7. Operations
8. Advanced Airway Management