Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties, 4th Edition, is a comprehensive, practical text that provides a wealth of examples and thorough coverage of procedures for assessing and instructing struggling readers of all ages. In keeping with current theory and a Response to Intervention (RTI) approach, the fourth edition continues to emphasize prevention and early intervention and the belief that most students can learn to read and write on a proficient level if given the proper assistance. The text is based on the premise that student performance is variable and that assessment and instruction are modified to meet the varied needs and levels of students. Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties, 4/e, emphasizes a whole-school approach in which a strong classroom program is the best prevention, and covers how classroom programs need to be supplemented with interventions that increase in intensity and duration based on student needs. This text also highlights the need for classroom teachers, special educators and reading and other specialists to work together to construct a program that develops the literacy capabilities of all students.
Coverage of assessment includes basic concepts of tests and measurement. In addition to formal, standardized measures, including curriculum-based measures, informal but highly regarded techniques such as the informal reading inventory, miscue analysis, running records, observation, think-alouds, holistic scoring of writing and portfolio assessment are featured. This edition continues to give extensive coverage to screening, progress monitoring, diagnosis, and outcome measures. Several chapters are devoted specifically to assessment. Ways to connect assessment to instruction are also included throughout the text. The author's coverage of instructional techniques is thorough and practical. Nine chapters are devoted to instructional techniques, including approaches for working with the most severely disabled readers and writers.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Literacy Difficulties
Chapter 2 Factors Involved in Reading and Writing Difficulties
Chapter 3 Overview of Assessment
Chapter 4 Placing Students and Monitoring Progress
Chapter 5 Assessment of Reading and Writing Processes
Chapter 6 Assessment of Cognitive, School, and Home Factors
Chapter 7 Emergent Literacy and Prevention Programs
Chapter 8 Teaching Phonics, High-Frequency Words, and Fluency
Chapter 9 Syllabic, Morphenmic, and Contextual Analysis and Dictionary Strategies
Chapter 10 Building Vocabulary