รูปภาพสินค้า รหัส9780136093428
ผู้เขียนCharles T. Horngren, Walter T. Harrison , JR., M. Suzanne Oliver

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รหัสสินค้า: 9780136093428
จำนวน: 1318 หน้า
ขนาดรูปเล่ม: 212 x 275 x 40 มม.
น้ำหนัก: 2780 กรัม
เนื้อในพิมพ์: สี่สีในเล่ม 
ชนิดปก: ปกอ่อน 
ชนิดกระดาษ: กระดาษอาร์ต 
หน่วย: เล่ม 
สำนักพิมพ์: Pearson Education, Inc. 
พิมพ์ครั้งล่าสุด:ครั้งที่ 8 เดือน -- ปี 2009
:: เนื้อหาโดยสังเขป
For Principle of Accounting Courses The winning combination of respected authors and a traditional framework has made the Horngren/Harrison, Accounting text THE trusted choice for instructors and students for Principles of Accounting. In the new Accounting 8th Edition, Charles Horngren and Tom Harrison have invited Suzanne Oliver, a loyal Accounting user and community college instructor, to join the already solid author team. Suzanne Oliver's extensive knowledge of prior editions, varied classroom experience and authoring of MyAccountingLab content and instructor resources make her an invaluable asset to the team and the series.

Working together on the revision, the authors preserved the classic, solid foundation of the text while adding a modern Table of Contents and fresh new teaching approach to make accounting accessible to ALL of today's students in ALL varied classrooms. This NEW edition further strengthens the textbook component of the Student Learning System and provides consistency for students throughout the text, the study resources and MyAccountingLab.

Why OUR Student Learning System?Students understand (or "get it") right after you do a problem in class.However, as soon as they leave class, their ability to do the problems and complete their homework diminishes with each passing hour. Often, this results in students struggling to complete their homework on their own. Even worse, the frustration can lead to students quitting on the material altogether and falling behind in the course. As a result, an entire class can fall behind as instructors attempt to keep everyone on the same page. With the Accounting 8e Student Learning System, all features of the student textbook, study resources and online homework system are designed to work together to provide students with more "I Get It!" moments, especially outside the classroom where they struggle the most. The consistency, repetition and strong details throughout the entire student learning system replicate the classroom experience to allow students to achieve success both inside and outside the classroom while keeping both instructors and students on track.
:: สารบัญ
Chapter 1 Accounting and the Business Environment
Chapter 2 Recording Business Transactions
Chapter 3 The Adjusting Process
Chapter 4 Completing the Accounting Cycle
Chapter 5 Merchandising Operations
Chapter 6 Merchandise Inventory
Chapter 7 Internal Control and Cash
Chapter 8 Recievables
Chapter 9 Plant Assets and Intangibles
Chapter 10 Current Liabilities, Payroll, and Long-Term Liabilities
, etc.