The essence of Discrete Mathematics
The Prentice Hall Essesce of Computing Series provides a concise, practical and uniform introduction to the core components of an undergraduate computer science degree. Acknowledging recent changes within Higher Education, this approach uses a variety of pedagogical tool - case - studies, worked examples and self-test question-to underpin the student's learning
The Essence ofdiscrete Mathematics is an exciting new publication that is essential for a first course in discrete mathematics. Assuming no prior knowledge, this invaluable text immedistely helps the reader to grow in mathematical maturity, and understand the basic concepts of discrete mathematics. The often discarded fundamentals of sets and logic supply the foundation for learning , and provide clear instruction on how to calculate values for mathemmatical expression for small finite sets.
1. Read.Me
2. An introduction to sets
3. Propositional logic
4. Predicate logic
5. Relations
6. Homogeneous relations
7. Functions
8. Mathematical models
9. Quo vadis?