This book is the only introductory educational research text to offer a truly balanced and integrated treatment of both quantitative and quantitative methods. Written in clear and practical language, Educational Research will help its readers get started doing their own research and will also help them become better readers of research.
Features that Distinguish this text
- A simplified, more focused presentation of content throughout this second edition creates a text that is more accessible to novice researchers and readers of research. Core concepts are highlighted so that students can better identify and grasp the information they need to understand to be effective research readers and practitioners.
- An expanded presentation of how to use technology throughout the research process helps students see how to utilize technology--providing them with tools to effectively and efficiently conduct literature searches, to collect, orghanize, and analyze data, and to present their results.
- Truly balanced and integrated coverage of both qualitative and quatitative research exposes students to the types of educational research they will encounter as readers and helps them understand the range of potential directions for their own research. Throughout the discussion of the research process, each topic is presented and examined from both perspectives.
- A separate chapter on mixed mehtods will help students learn to identify mixed methods studies and understand how they themselves might use multiple methods in their own research.
Part I An Introduction to Educational Research
Part II The Steps in the Process of Research
Part III Research Designs