Enterprise Data Center Design and Methodology is a practical guide to designing a data center from inception through construction. The fundamental design principles take a simple, and modular approach based on accurate, real - world requirements and capacities.This approach the conventional [but totally inadequate] method of using square footage to determine basic capacities like power and cooling requirements.
In addition to providing sound design advice, this BluePrint provides information about a wide range of topics including capacity sizing, site selection, data center environmental considerations, network infrastructures, building code and construction considerations, and hazard avoidance. If you are building a new data center, are retrofitting an existing one, or are working in a data center and simply want a better understanding of these complex environments, you will find this book to be a valuable resource.
1. Data Center Design Philosophy
2. Data Center Design Criteria
3. Designing a Data Center
4. Determining Data Center Capacities
5. Site Selection
6. Implemeneing a Raised Floor
7. Power Distribtion
8. HVAC and Other Environmental Controls
9. Network Cabling Infrastructure
10. Shipping, Receiving, and Stsging