Redwood trees represent strength, stability, and a soled foundation.
The same can be said for Williams/Hada/Bettner, Financial and Managerial Accounting, 13e. It helps students learn the basics of financial and managerial accounting by providing a solid presentation of the root of the principles course, the accounting cycle. Financial and Managerial Accounting helps students build a foundation upon which they'll continue to learn and grow in their study of business.
1. Accounting: Information for Decision Making
2. Basic Financial Statements
3. The Accounting Cycle: Capturing Economic Events
4. The Accounting Cycle: Accruals and Deferrals
5. The Accounting Cycle: Reporting Financial Results
Comprehensive Problem 1: West Branch Rent All
6. Merchandising Activities
7. Financial Assets
8. Inventories and the Cost of Goods Sold
Comprehensive Problem 2: Guitar Universe, Inc.
9. Plant and intangible Assets
10. Liabilities