The Purpose of this text is to present thermodynamics from a chemical engineering viewpoint. The laws of thermodynamics are universal, but are most effectively taught in the context of the discipline of student commitment. This is the justification for a separate text for chemical engineers, just as it has been for the previous four editions, which have been in print for 47 years.
For a student new to this subject a demanding task of discovery lies ahead. New ideas, terms, and symbols appear at a bewildering rate. The challenge, everpresent, is to think topics through to the point of understanding, to acquire the capacity to reason, and to apply this fundamental body of knowledge to the solution of practical problems. Moreover, knowledge gained here is enlarged and refined as the education experience continues.
1. Introduction
2. The First Law and Other Basic Concepts
3. Volumetric Properties of Pure Fluids
4. Heat Effects
5. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
6. Thermodynamics Properties of Fluids
7. Thermodynamics of Flow Processes
8. Production of Power from Heat
9. Refrigeration and Liquefaction
10. Solution Thermodynamics: Theory