The second edition of Fundamentals of Human Resource Mangement would not have been possible without the staff of McGraw-Hill/Irwin and Elm Street Publishing Services. John Weimeister, our editor, helped us in developing the vision for the book and gave us the resources we needed to develop a top-of -the-Line HRM teaching package. Sarah Reed's organizational skills kept the author team on deadline and made the book more visually appealing than the authors could have ever done on their own. Karen Hill of Elm Street worked diligently to make sure that the book was interestign, practical, and readable, and remained true to findings of human resource management research. We also thank Meg Beamer for her marketing efforts this new book.
Part 1 The Human Resource Environment
Part 2 Acquiring and Preparing Human Resources
Part 3 Assessing Performance and Developing Employees
Part 4 Compresating Human Resources
Part 5 Meeting Other HR Goals