English detailed coverage of today's language. Containing hundreds of new words and thousands of definitions written in simple, natural English, this dictionary is exceptionally easy to use and understand. The examples, which have all been taken from the Bank of English, have been revised and updated for this edition, and are invaluable in providing context for words and phrases. Grammatical information and additional information on synonyms, pragmatics and frequency is shown in the Extra Column, making it easily accessible.
New to the fourth edition of the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary is the identification of thousands of set grammatical structures, particularly useful to learners of English. In addition, the new edition includes useful illustrations covering a range of topics, and Access to English - a unique supplement containing hundreds of practical phrases helping with important structures in areas such as essay-writing, business correspondence and job applications.
The Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary provides invaluable and detailed guidance on the English language, and is the complete reference tool for learners of English.