In a relatively short time,the study of abnormal child psychology has moved well beyondhe individual child and family to consider the roles of community, social, and cultural influences in an integrative and developmentally sensitive nanner. Similarly, those of us working in this field are more attuned to the manhy struggles faced by children with psychological disorders and their families, as well as the demands and costs such problems place on the mental health, education, medical, and juvenile justice systems.
Part 1 Understanding Abnormal Child Psychology
1. Introduction to Normal and abnormal Behavior in Children and
2. Theories and Causes
3. Resecarch
4. Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Part 2 Behavioral Disorders
5. Attention-Deficit/Hyperractivity Disorder (ADHD)
6. Conduct Problems
Part 3 Emotional Disorders
7. Anxiety Disorders
8. Mood Disorders
Part 4 Developmental and Learning Disorders
9. Mental Retardation
10. Autism and Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia
11.Communication and Learning Disorders
Part 5 Problems Related to Physical and Mental Health
12. Health-Related and Substance Use Disorders
13. Eating Disorders and Related Conditions
14. Child Maltreatmentment and Non-Accidental Trauma