Plant biologits have been among the first to recognize and embrace the power of modern phylogentic logic in determining the evolutionary progression of the earth's diverse organisms. The major changes in the text--and the ones that we feel put this book in the forefront of introductory plant biology textbooks--deal with the description of the evolutionary origins and relationships of plants. With this new edition, the biodiversity part of the book largely adops the best-supported, most current phylogenetic view of the organisms coverd in our text.
1. About plant biology
2. The chemistry of life
3. The plant cell and the cellcycle
4. The organization of the plant obdy: cells, tissues, and
5. The shoot system I: the stem
6. The shoot system 2 : the form and structure of leavesd
7. The root system
8. Concepts of metabolism
9. Respiration
10. Photosynthesis