Top Score is a course with an emphasis on grammar, reading, and vocabulary. Top Score's topics broaden students' education and activities develop academic study skills. Top Score builds on language students have learned already, extending their knowledge throuth:
- A strong focus on reading, with two extensive reading texts in every unit.
- Developing writing skills, with guidance on writing descriptions, emails, stories, interviews, and reports.
- Building and extending vocabulary with activies that focus on meaning, usage and word-building. Worksheets in the Teacher's Guide introduce more vocabulary.
- Understanding how grammar works, introducing grammar in reading texts with a full range of practice activites
- Regular revision and testing with end-of-unit Quick Check tests, revision units, and an end-of-year test.
- Practising listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills with activies on listening for meaning and intonation.
- Quick Tip boxes with advice on study skills, tacking a task or question type, and organizing written work.
- Culture Focus pages and topics that broaden student's education.
1. Family fortunes
2. Work
3. The world of crime
4. Tomorrow's world
5. Social issues
6. The media
7. Clothing culture
8. Consumerism
9. In the community