The central theme of this book is that general education teachers can make a difference in the lives of all students, particularly students with special needs, by using the tools and strategies descripbed in this text. Our confidence in the effectiveness of these pracitces are successfully implemented. Many teachers whose stories appear throughout this book implement and extend the recommended practices.
Students in our university classes, as well as practicing teachers, urged us to do more than describe curriculum adatations; they encouraged us to do more than describe curriculum adaptations; they encouraged us to provide the step-by-step procedures for how to implement curriculum adaptations in the classroom. After reading this book, prospective teachers will have more than
increased knowledge about students with special needs--they will have the tools and confidence to adequately meet all of their students' academic and social needs.
This fifth edition includes updated references to the latest research and legislation, allowing readers to look up the most recent studies on topics of interest. Throughout the text we have added new information and descripbed techniques brought to light since the fourth edition was published, and reexamined the ongoing issues surroundign the teaching of diverse learners in general education classrooms.
New to This Editon
We have listened to our users and created a text that will be easier to use in the classroom and more engaging for students. The strength of the book continues to be its numerous learning activities and sample lessons addressing both elementary and secondary classrooms. Changes and enhancements include:
- A thorough reorganization of the content, which in now divided into parts to help the reader and instructor focus on the most
important issues and applications teachers experience in the classroom.
- An entirely new chapter on Response to Intervention and Progress Monitoring, which reflects the most current research and
strategies. In addition, this text integrates and highlights information regarding understanding and using research-based practices
within a Response to Intervention (RTI) framework.
- A revised Chapter 5, Managing Student Behavior and Promoting Social Acceptance, with an increased emphasis on school-wide
behavior management and positive bevioral support, focusing more on "problem kids."
- Evidence-based rearch practices throughout the text that are based on the most current research and instructional strategies.
- Enhanced classroom-based practices for teaching students with autism and Asperger's syndrome.
- Repurposing of the Research Briefs feature from the fourth editon: Instead of calling out the research, it has been fully integrated
within the context in which the research is most relevant.
- Streamlined content that offers more strategies and more examples that bring reader into the classroom.
- Expanded coverage of secondary education via chapter opening interviews, new photos, and new examples throuoghout the text.
This edition continues its very popular multi-chapter unit on curriculum adaptations with specific strategies and activities for
teaching reading, writing, mathematics, content areas, and study skills. The strong emphasis on teaching secondary learners,
professional planing, and collaboration make it an excellent resource for all teachers.
Part 1 Foundations
Part 2 Categorical Differences
Part 3 Teaching Practices
Part 4 Secondary Instruction