Achieving information technology (IT) computency is the first step in a lifelong journey toward greater knowledge and interaction with more and better applocations of IT. The materials in this text are designed to guide you toward IT compentency so you can become…
- A Participant in the information technology revolution.
- An intelligent consumer of PCs and related products.
- An efficient user of Internet resources and services.
- Knowledgeable about a wide variety of software and services that can improve your productivity, give you much needed information, expand your intellectual horizons, and give you endless hours of enjoyment.
Chapter 1 Computers, Information Teachnogy, And you
Chapter 2 Software
Chapter 3 Going Online
Chapter 4 Inside the Computer
Chapter 5 Storage And Input/Output Devices
Chapter 6 Networks And Networkting
Chapter 7 It Ethics, Crime, And Privacy
Chapter 8 E-Commerce, Databases, And Security
Chapter 9 Information Systems And Emerging Teachnologies
Chapter 10 Information Systems Development And Programming