The product manager's job is becoming increasingly complex. Due to, among other things, changes in information technology, the increased deffusion and improvement in the Internet, increasing global competition, and changing customer needs and wants, the job of the product manager involves continually collecting and synthesizing information, forecasting changes in competition and market conditions, revising market strategies, and adapting decisions such as price and communications to changing market conditions. In addition, cooperating with other parts of the organization (e.g., sales, operations) and outside parties (e.g., suppliers and channels) is critical. The purpose of this book is to provide a basic approach for dealing with these issues.
The fourth edition of Product Management, covers three major tasks facing marketers in general and product managers in particular:
1. Analyzing the market.
2. Developing objectives and strategies for the product or service in question.
3. Making decisions about price, advertising, promotion, channels of distribution, and service.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Product Management
Chapter 2 Marketing Planning
Chapter 3 Defining the Competitive Set
Chapter 4 Category Attractiveness Analysis
Chapter 5 Competitor Analysis
Chapter 6 Customer Analysis
Chapter 7 Market Potential and Sales Forecasting
Chapter 8 Developing Product Strategy
Chapter 9 New Products
Chapter 10 Pricing Decisions