รูปภาพสินค้า รหัส9781259251603
The idea for this book grew out of discussions between the statistic faculty and the engineering faculty at the Colorado School of Mines regarding our introductory statistics course for engineers.
ผู้เขียนWilliam Navidi

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รหัสสินค้า: 9781259251603
จำนวน: 928 หน้า
ขนาดรูปเล่ม: 185 x 230 x 32 มม.
น้ำหนัก: 1350 กรัม
เนื้อในพิมพ์: 2 สี 
ชนิดปก: ปกอ่อน 
ชนิดกระดาษ: กระดาษปอนด์ 
หน่วย: เล่ม 
สำนักพิมพ์: McGraw-Hill Education 
พิมพ์ครั้งล่าสุด:ครั้งที่ 4 เดือน -- ปี 2014
:: เนื้อหาโดยสังเขป
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists stands out for its crystal clear presentation of applied statistics. Suitable for a one or two semester course, the book takes a practical approach to methods of statistical modeling and data analysis that are most often used in scientific work. Statistics for Engineers and Scientists features a unique approach highlighted by an engaging writing style that explains difficult concepts clearly, along with the use of contemporary real world data sets to help motivate students and show direct connections to industry and research. While focusing on practical applications of statistics, the text makes extensive use of examples to motivate fundamental concepts and to develop intuition.

McGraw-Hill is proud to offer Connect with the fourth edition of Navidi's, Statistics for Engineers and Scientists. This innovative and powerful system helps your students learn more efficiently and gives you the ability to customize your homework problems simply and easily. Track individual student performance - by question, assignment, or in relation to the class overall with detailed grade reports. ConnectPlus provides students with all the advantages of Connect, plus 24/7 access to an eBook. Navidi's Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, fourth edition, includes the power of McGraw-Hill's LearnSmart - a proven adaptive learning system that helps students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge through a series of adaptive questions. This innovative study tool pinpoints concepts the student does not understand and maps out a personalized plan for success.
:: สารบัญ
Chapter 1: Sampling and Descriptive Statistics
Chapter 2: Probability
Chapter 3: Propagation of Error
Chapter 4: Commonly Used Distributions
Chapter 5: Confidence Intervals
Chapter 6: Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 7: Correlation and Simple Linear Regression
Chapter 8: Multiple Regression
Chapter 9: Factorial Experiments
Chapter 10: Statistical Quality Control
:: ข้อมูลพิเศษ
This International Student Edition is for use outside the U.S.