Every attempt has been made to make this dictionary as understandable as possible to both the automotive professional or enthusiast and to the general public. Whether you are trying to understand service information to make your own repairs or are just trying to understand your own technician, you will find this dictionary indispensable. Professional technicians may find uncommon or historical terms they are not familiar with; they may enjoy disagreeing with the definitions in this dictionary, and we hope they tell us all about it-automotive technology has become far too complex for any one person to completely master.
When we built this dictionary, we consulted with experts in linguistics to determine what to include. Much of what you see in general dictionaries of the language, such as parts of speech and pronunciation guides-certainly have their use. We decided that the overwhelming majority or terms found in automotive jargon are taken from common terms found in the language, so it didn't seem practical to include parts of speech and pronunciation guides. If you, as the user, feel differently, let us know, and we can consider revisions for future editions.