This title is perfect for anyone who loves video gaming, and is ready to dive in an throw their own multi-player gaming party. This might include readers who want to throw a home party for a few friends, as well as leaders of clubs, user groups, and other organizations who want to have larger event.
Chapter 1: The Elements of a Good LAN Party.
Chapter 2: Setting Your Party’s Parameters.
Chapter 3: Choosing a Site for Your Party.
Chapter 4: The Complete Preparty Timeline.
Chapter 5: Saving Money on Your LAN Party.
Chapter 6: Avoiding Power Failures.
Chapter 7: The Least You Need to Know about Networking.
Chapter 8: Networking for Large Groups and the Internet.
Chapter 9: Sample LAN Party Layouts.
Chapter 10: The Least You Need to Know about Configuring Your Computer.
Chapter 11: Staffing Issues and Common LAN Party Roles.
Chapter 12: Setting Up a Dedicated Game Server.
Chapter 13: The Complete Day-of-the Party Timeline.
Chapter 14: Legal and Safety Issues.
Chapter 15: Something Just Went Wrong! Fixing Party Problems.
Chapter 16: Cool Things to Do at Your LAN Party.
Appendix: The Party Checklists.