Inside You’ll Find Just What You Need to…
- Master the management and administration of GroupWise 7
- Install and configure GroupWise
- Understand the GroupWise Objects
- Work with GroupWise Objects
- Configure the Post Office, Message Transfer, and Internet
- Install and configure GroupWise WebAccess
- Work with GroupWise agents on the Linux Platform
- Administer multiple GroupWise systems
- Troubleshoot message flow
- Use Wireless and handheld devices with GroupWise 7 Web
- Configure a spam/junk mail control solution
- Configure GroupWise authentication Via LDAP
- Create a secure messaging solution with SSL
- Create a highly available GroupWise WebAccess solution
- Create a highly available GroupWise Internet agent solution
Part I: Architecture
Part II: Administration Interface
Part III: Agents and Clients
Part IV: Practical Administration
Part V: Applied Architecture
Part VI: Solutions