Highlights of the Fifth Edition include: new Web Site, which offers a wealth of online resources including InfoWebs, a Buyer's Guide, and games to reinforce the concepts presented in the lessons; new Computers in Context discussion highlights how computers and computer technology are applied in various environments such as sports, astronomy, law enforcement, and film; interactive CD provides extensive opportunities for student exploration that is closely tied to the concepts in the book; interactive exercises on the CD parallel the book activities. Students get immediate feedback and can track their lab and exercise results; and Web Track technology allows instructors to track student progress through the course.
Unit A Computer and Internet basics
Unit B Computer hardware
Unit C Computer software
Unit D Digital electronics and file management
Unit E Networks and the Internet
Unit F Data security
Unit G The Web and e-commerce
Unit H Digital media
Unit I Information systems basics
Unit J Database basics
Unit K Computer programming basics
Unit L The computer industry