Key features of C# Essential includes:
-Concise overviews of the C# language, the common language Runtime (CLR), and the Base Class Library (BCL), including coverage of the most important BCL, namespaces by function
-Complete coverage of all C# language elements and their syntax, with easily grasped syntax summaries and a glossary of all C# keywords.
-Explanations with code examples of the major C# data types, from built-in base types and objects to enums, delegates, collections, commonly implemented interfaces, and more.
-Instruction on the basic tasks every C# programmer must master from exception and event handling to networking, threading, using regular expressions, and using reflection and custom attributes.
-Examples of interoperating with legacy Win32 APIs and COM components, and of using C/C++ style pointer within the managed context of the CLR.
-Discussion of common development issues, such as building shared assemblies; an overview of the essential tools in the SDK: and across reference that maps namespaces to assemblies.
1. Introduction
2. C# Language Reference
3. Programming the .NET Framework
4. Base Class Library Overview
5. Essential >NET Tools
A. C# Keywords
B. Regular Expression
C. Format Specifiers
D. Data Marshaling
E. Working with Assemblies
F. Namespaces and Assemblies