Tito is in his early twenties. Born in Cuba, he speaks fluent Russian, lives in one room in a NoLita warehouse, and does delicate jobs involving information transfer. Hollis Henry is an investigative journalist, on assignment from a magazine called Node. Node doesn't exist yet, which is fine; she's used to that. But it seems to be actively blocking the kind of buzz that magazines normally cultivate before they start up. Really actively blocking it. It's odd, even a little scary, if Hollis lets herself think about it much. Which she doesn't; she can't afford to.
"One of the most astute and entertaining commentators on our astonishing, chaotic present."
--The Washington Post--
"A puzzle palace of bewitching proportions and stubborn echoes."
--Los Angeles Times--
"A fitful, fast-forward spy tale...He has managed to convert his cybernetic future into present tense."
--USA Today--