Mastering the Requirements Process, Second Edition, sets out an industy-proven process for gathering and verifying requirements with an eye toward today's agile development enviroments. In this total update of the bestselling guide, the authors show how to discover precisely what the customer wants and needs while doing the minimum requirements work according to the project's level of agility.
Chapter 1: What Are Requirements?
In which we consider why we are interested in requirements
Chapter 2: The Requirements Process in which we look at a process for gathering requirements and discuss how you might use it
Chapter 3: Project Blastoff
in which we establish a solid foundation for the requirements, and ensure that the members of the project team all atart rowing in the same direction
Chapter 4: Event-Driven Use cases
in which we discuss a fail-safe way of partitioning the work into use cases, and along the way discover the best product to build
Chapter 5: Trawling for Requirements
in which we drag the net through the work area looking for requirements, and discuss some useful techniques for doing so