Introduction to Animal Science: Global, Biological, Social and Industry Perspectives, 4efeatures the most comprehensive, up to date coverage of the traditional disciplines that are so essential to a solid foundation in Animal Science: nutrition, digestion, feeds, genetics, reproduction, disease, and animal behavior. Species focused chapters include the major species (horse, dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goat, poultry, and swine) and the minor species (aquaculture, pets/companion animals, the lamoids, and rabbits).
Part 1 The Place of Animals and Animal Science in the Lives of Humans
- Introduction to the Animal Sciences
- The Value of Animals to Humanity
- Factors Affecting World Agricultural Structure
, etc.
Part 2 The Biological Sciences of Animal Science
- Introduction to Nutrition
- The Gastrointestinal Tract and Nutrition
- Feedstuffs Classification
, etc.
Part 3 The Animal Industries
- Market Coordination in the Beef, Pork, and Poultry Industries
- Beef Cattle
- Dairy Cattle
, etc.
Part 4 Animals and Society
- Careers and Career Preparation in the Animal Sciences
- Animals as Consumers of Grain: Asset of Liability?
- Food Safety and Consumer Concerns
, etc.